Nature - NOMINEE: Agnieszka Gotowała
Photo © Agnieszka Gotowała
Agnieszka Gotowała
Crystal Identity
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The ongoing project „Crystal Identity” I’m applying with is focused around the exploration and experience in the unique relationship between the human and nature. I’m researching, developing and experimenting with traces as the evidence of what the landscape conceal as well as the carriers of ideas and memory. I’m wonder of reaching with the attention to this, what is invisible and denying that what is invisible does not exist. The project is connected with the illusion where human, matter and nature transform with each others at multidimensional level.
I treat „Crystal Identity” as the endless poem with the nature. In this process I try to be in the face of what is. I’m inclined to reach out with thought to the invisible, so that what is not seen may exist. There, where authenticity takes on an ephemeral character and the reality different order of importance. In the world of drifting meanings, I look what nature hides, experiencing the silence, which may not be silence at all, but inner illumination. Towards nature, I feel like I’m making revisits. I find there river under river.
Photography unleashs the desire to possession, capture the indentity, which nature never deprives. So I nurture the fragments. They have all the features of a whole, which are composed of. To stay on an even keel in the light and darkness is enough.
All of pictures I realize by analoque photography as well as I develop and scan negatives by myself. Such a personal choice of tool allows me to take into account the ambivalence of perceptions of influence and control over the process of origination.