Talent of the Year 2020 - NOMINEE: Enamur Reza
Enamur Reza
Visuals of Delta
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Bengal Delta two Himalayan rivers, the ganges and the brahmaputra, which drain to the bay of bengal as a combined river, carry the largest sediment load. These two rivers together with another non-Himalayan river, the meghna, have built one of the largest delta in the world known as the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta or the Bengal Delta. On its northeastward migration, the Ganges built several deltas and then abandoned them before finally occupying its present position. The Brahmaputra had an eastward course as revealed by rennell’s atlas, building the early Brahmaputra delta near Mymensingh. At present the river has a straight southward course. However, while these two rivers previously debouched individually to the Bay of Bengal, at present they combine before finally emptying into the bay. These delta building activities of the rivers contributed to the formation of some 60% of the total Bangladesh coastline.
Evolution The development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta that began some 125 million years ago (Ma) after the fragmentation of the Gondwanaland since the early Cretaceous is still continuing. The history of the delta complex can be understood in terms of Gondwanaland break-up, Indian plate movement, collision of the Indian plate with the Burmese and Eurasian plate, development of the huge mountain range of the himalayas, development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system and sea level changes in several historical periods and tectonic activities over millions of years.
My basic goal is to document the life around it, from the Himalayan to Bay of Bengal, the diversity of life, culture and people. It is my life long dream project, and I want to start from where the delta is originated and merged with people and created culture, it will be documentation of where life and river cope with one another. where it merged and where divided into different shapes.Over the year delta has changed and continuosly effecting our land , from glacier to water.how climate has changed the topography of the delta orientated places.my project is the following of the great delta,how it will adopt over the time.it will be documentation of the great evolution.
About author:
Enamur Reza grew up as third child of the family,being the most younger and lived in a small province at the outskirts of hectic Pabna city in Bangladesh.
Because of this, he never really knew what it meant to be a kid. Since the adults around Reza were quite overprotective too, he didn't learn how to relate well with other kids.
Growing up, Reza felt accustomed to the company of adults. He was always more mature than the other children at school. Even when he gained friends, he often felt annoyed at them while growing up because he felt that they were too childish.
Since childhood he had a deep interest in sketching and painting.in 2013,his love for visualizing elements transformed from sketch into photography. he wanted to be a photographer at all cost.
While he didn't realize this back then, he had a heart of composing photograph. When Reza is in University, he started feeling the pressure from her parents with high expectations. Gradually, he stepped a little back from joining extra-curricular activities and instead, made the choice to study hard to be a photographer
Still, Reza is going graduate as an Architect. Looking back, Reza thinks that he didn't try as hard because he didn't want to be an Architect at all.
Reza started taking photography seriously in early 2014 when he started documenting the delta life throughout his country Bangladesh,he was attracted by the lifestyle of the people of rural life and he tried to bring his imagination into frame and gave life to his visuals.
Throughout his photography life he achieved several awards from different photography competition and exhibited his photographs in different platforms.
He also worked to pay his bills and, after several jobs, he started working for Chitrogolpo a photography consultancy firm. From there, he aimed to meet his potential, take on new challenges, but he didn't strive hard to go beyond expectations.
Probably because of the kind of family he grew up in, Reza never imagined himself having a family of his own and He is Unmarried till now.
To his philosophy “photography is all about putting your visualization, observation of a frame in such way that no body has ever seen it before. composing the element around you by how your heart guides yourself, a cherished light and use of different point of view. photography is not that thing you take only by pressing the shutter rather photography is the inner feelings of your soul when you release shutter”. And he worship his heart and soul through photography.