Experimental - NOMINEE: Andrea Foligni
Andrea Foligni
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The European Landscape Convention (Florence, Italy, October 2000) defines the landscape «an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors».
The concept of this work is the perception of landscapes.
The conception and the representation of landscapes have been articulated in recent years; virtual spaces, augmented reality, 360° views, drones. We are under to view thousands of images daily which supplementing an enormous volume of information accessible to more and more people.
It's hard for us to orient between imagining and imaginary landscapes, real facts and fake news.
Maybe the only way to do that is to look for the unexpected into ordinary, moving or reversing our point of view, switching to an unconventional vision.
About author:
I was born in Prato, Tuscany, Italy in 1965 and still live there.
I am enthusiastic about hiking and excursions and I imagine my photographic path as being a new journey on foot: slow, full of thoughtfulness and curiosities with long stops and detours.
A previous work experience in digital graphics introduced me, self taught, to the study of images and visual communications.
My first serious approach to photography immediately blossomed into commitment and studies, in 2012.
My practice has focused to social and environmental problems, I’m very attracted to the study of landscape and the man-made changes which leave their signs, having critical impact on natural resources.
I don’t "always have my camera with me", I believe that photography cannot be auto referenced: a piloted approach with a project in mind, must be the method for gathering the fruits of an idea, a place and encounters.
Currently I'm also working with video.
Some of my works have been finalists in international contests and published in magazines.