Portrait - NOMINEE: Mochammad NorHamzah SaptoAdjie
Photo © Mochammad NorHamzah SaptoAdjie
Mochammad NorHamzah SaptoAdjie
Youth Atmosphere
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Sensitive-age regarding to evolution is inseparable with youth, never want to be left out, and seeking attention through fashion trends is a kind of hot topics. The growth of fashion trends along with the times, nowadays fashion trend greatly influenced by peers in real world or peers who upload their pictures in social media. The habit of human to follow a trend in their surroundings in order to be called as a cool person is a thing that always felt when they were young, during that period is a time where as human they will searching for identity before entering adulthood. Where someday in the old age they will came to the closing period, the time were human has moving too far, passing the era where they always following the trends to having fun, they started to enter the vulnerable life and felt enough to enjoy their comfort in old age.
The adoption of consumerism lifestyle and following value in trends, shown as a interesting case through combination of cross generation, creating a form of impression and catching attention to audience through a visual development with two intersect background to provoke visual contradiction as reality track record in this era, lifestyle and lot’s of different way to dress up as self satisfaction, served as language to identified a season that really influenced by outside culture but still adapt with current social scene of urban area in Indonesia.