Portrait - NOMINEE: Irina Khozhainova
Photo © Irina Khozhainova
Irina Khozhainova
My universe
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My universe, my world, my cosmos, my chaos and my world, my hedgehog and my kitten ... He is 9 ... Son ... Now our relationship with him is like a crystal vessel for me. Transitional age will begin very soon. More and more he decides for himself, insists and proves.
He is brave, he is honest, he is incredibly kind.
He is small ... no, he is already big, and I need to take this into account. Learn to be friends, and not just be a mother.
About author:
Born in the city of Lipetsk. She received her education at the Faculty of History of the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, where she became interested in the history of art.
Achievements, awards and grants.
BICFP 2013 - 2nd place in the nomination "Genre photo of the year."
35 AWARDS - 100 best photos of 2015, nomination "Reporting".
"WITHOUT BARRIERS!" 2015 - Diploma of II degree and second prize
Regional competition "Golden Frame" 2016 - 1st place, grand prix.
TOR-100 and selection of the jury, Portrait, BICFP 2018
Finalist of the All-Russian contest "Young Photographers of Russia 2019"
The winner of the photo contest "Wort im Bild" in the framework of the Festival of German-language literature
Regional exhibitions "100 frames of happiness", "100 frames of childhood", "Black and white stories" 2016-2017, Lipetsk
BICFP 2014, Moscow
BICFP 2018, Moscow
Participant of exhibitions of the publication. Do not take photos of 2018-2019, USA.
Exhibition "About Me" BICFP 2019, Moscow.
Exhibition of the finalists of the contest "Young Photographers of Russia", 2019, Kaluga.
Exhibition of the photo contest "Wort im Bild", 2019, Klagenfurt, Austria.