Portrait - NOMINEE: Alexis Aubin
Alexis Aubin
Face Shields
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After more than half a century of armed conflict, landmines and other artisanal explosives continue to prevail in Colombia. The country ranks second in the world for the greatest victims of landmines, after Afghanistan. While the peace agreements have been signed by the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), there is still a great task facing Colombia. The country must still recover the territory and support more than 11,500 victims and their families. These portraits are a tribute to civilians who risk their lives every day to clear the Colombian territory of this threat.
About author:
Alexis Aubin is a documentary photographer from Montreal, based in Bogota, Colombia and part of Hans Lucas Studio.
After a degree in social sciences, he started photography in Mexico in 2006. Since then, he is going back and forth from North to South America reporting socials issue for newspapers and NGO as La Presse, Le Devoir, Embassy News, International Campaign to Ban Landmines.
His work aims to explore diversity of lifestyles and the impact of systematic pressure and conflicts on civilians.